
Saturday, May 28, 2011


Patterns.  I love looking at patterns in design.  I find that I am consistently drawn to the way artists are able to combine patterns for fun, fresh looks.  However, I've never felt as though I could master it myself.  When designing, I began to push myself to think of more and different patterns to make.  It's been fun, and I'm still in the process of trying to do more with designing patterns.

One way I felt I could better serve myself is to sit down and push myself to make some scrapbook layouts using mostly patterned papers.  That way, I felt I could understand better what types of patterns I'd like to make to use within my pages.  When I heard about the 7 Days in May Challenge at I thought that would be the perfect time to push myself.  So earlier this week (see post: And then...) I tried my hand at it.  And I was happy with how it turned out so I tried a few more on the next challenges.

The first, was a template challenge.  The template was created by LivE and the papers I used are from "Scarlet" by Sara Schumtz:
In order to try and offset the different patterns, I decided to make the rectangles of the alternating patterned paper into epoxy sticker squares using the emboss and bevel feature.  I was happy with how well it turned out and well, all the red is great because the pictures are from when we cheered on the Wisconsin Badgers play in the Rose Bowl.

In the next challenge, I used "Life is Good" by Echo Park.  Again, I was able to combine various patterns by adding some solid color here and there so it was not too overwhelming to the eye.  I wanted the page to be fun, yet a little soft.  The challenge was to start with the words, "This is Love."  Immediately I thought of some of the great pictures I had with my mom and our dog.  They have a funny love affair going on.  We actually didn't think my mom liked dogs at all, so when we brought puppy Finn home, we stopped by to let my dad see him.  Well, surprise, surprise because it was my mom who scooped him up into her arms and played with him.  Oh, how he loves her and gives her lots of wet kisses.  Ewww...but still pretty sweet.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And then...

Today's challenge over at was about journaling, specifically to start with the words, "And then."  Well, that could lead to anything really!  I decided to take a look at our pictures from this past weekend when we were blessed to have some decent weather.  Of course, we took a lot of pictures of AJ and he did happen to turn 5 months old, so how perfect!

Aside from taking pictures, we had a great weekend by getting outside as much as we could.  We planted our vegetable garden and Matt did some general work around the yard while AJ and I played outside under the shade of his sun hut!  We took long walks and visited with friends- again, outside as much as possible.  We are all very anxious to have some more summer-like weather!

Enjoy the page - I created it using "A Walk in the Park" by Echo Park.
A little about behind the page.  I decided to draw the tree using the free-hand pen tool, then applied a paper, and a pattern texture (with low opacity).  I knew I wanted to use a lot of fun and bright patterns to make the page as cheery as the day, so I offset the different sections by bordering the elements of the page with solid color, as well as adding small details in the dark brown color to give the pages some "flow".  I really wanted the bird and tree to "pop" so I choose to use the bevel and emboss functions rather than just applying drop shadows to them. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Time to scrap!!

If you haven't checked out the wonderful inspiration found at, then this is the week to do it.  It's time for 7 days in May and there will be a challenge posted each day to give you a fresh idea on how to scrapbook those wonderful memories you have laying around.  I know I'll be stopping in as many days as I can!

Today's challenge featured this great template by LivEdesigns.  I decided it was a great way to feature several of the pictures we took at Easter, AJ's first Easter so of course there are a lot of pictures of him. :) 
Beyond using this great template and distressed overlay by LivE, I finsihed things off with papers and elements from my latest kit, Watercolor Spring, which I hope to be posting to this site very soon!  Perhaps even a freebie will appear???  Well, get to work on your pages and be sure to check out the Challenge Gallery at  It's amazing how with this one template, no two pages are even close to being alike!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A new computer!!

I'm so excited!  It's finally here!!  My new computer.  Not that I had to wait that long for it but I was so excited that I just wanted it the very minute it was ordered.  And as if the it was understood that I couldn't wait until the schedule delivery date, it showed up a full two days early!  How great is that!?  I wish everything we wanted would come to us like that, but alas, what would the world be without patience.

Ever since I got my very first computer upon heading to college, I've had a Dell.  This time I decided to try a different brand, HP.  I had used them at work and they seemed to be changing in the direction I wanted.  Now that I am spending so much more time on the computer in big programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, I wanted to make sure I had a great processor and graphics card - and I found it.  The last computer we had wasn't really that old but, as we all know, technology changes fast. 

The only thing that stinks about getting a new computer - getting all your old stuff onto it!  I had a lot of my graphics on an external drive already but I hadn't been thinking about all the cool items I'd uploaded or created in Photoshop - like patterns and actions and styles that I would have to move over or just recreate.  However, instead of feeling bogged down, I've come to realize that it is a great opportunity to organize all this stuff!

So new digital scrapbookers, listen up...organization is key.  When I started, I was in a frenzy of collecting items and while I surely tried to organize them, as my skills and needs grew, so changed how I would have organized it.  So I say, take a step back, like you would in your paper craft room, and think 'where am I going to put all this stuff?'  I wish I had done that more but who could have known!

Well, back to organizing and exploring this new machine!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Irish" I weren't so far behind on scrapping!

Since I've been busy getting into digital design, I haven't had much time left over to do the actual scrapbooking that led me to this in the first place!  In fact, I still have a lot of 2010 to finish up and a very exciting 2011 to get started on.  Rather than jump into the big ones, I found a few little pictures that I wanted to start with from St. Patty's Day.  It was AJ's first time celebrating St. Patty's Day.  Not that we had big plans. :)

But he had recived a few little Irish outfits and bibs so he at least got to look the part.  Matt donned his "Irish I were a Badger shirt" and so that's pretty much what we did.  No green beer.  No all day at the bars.  No parade.  Just a fun time at home, well, before and after the work day anyhow.  I was excited to make this page using my very own Spring Color Series Collection which I have made available on - see the link on the right of the page.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our little sleep problem...

I love a good night's sleep.  Well, who doesn't really?  But we seem to be having this little problem in our house.  This "problem" awakes us anywhere from 3am to 4am.  There's a shaking, a scratching, whining, and sometimes crying.  Well, we are new parents, but no, it's not the baby.  He's sleeping great!!  The "problem" is this little guy:

Well, maybe not so little guy.  Finn has always loved to get up early, but this is crazy.  And we are desparate to ensure the baby keeps sleeping so Matt faithfully gets out of bed and let's the little critter into ours.  Yup, into our bed.  A 70lb dog at our feet.  It's not so great! 

Now before all those dog owners cringe at our giving into this little guy, we've seriously tried everything.  He was given a great bed to sleep on just a few feet from us, but well, he ate it.  After he humped it. (Yes, he's neutered!)  Oh well, as he leaves his puppyhood behind he is starting to calm a bit.  We've done some research and a new, chew-proof bed is on it's way.  Oh new doggie bed, hurry home!

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Digital Goodness - The Spring Color Series Collection is now Available!

Well, it's finally here...I am ready to share with you my newest digital creations!  I am having an amazing time creating digital scrapbooking kits and am excited to share my Spring Color Series Collection with you.  The collection features, five coordinating paper packs, each with 8 12x12 papers at 300dpi.  I also have two element packs which will surely enhance your journaling and fulfill your need to put that cute flower in the corner! :)  Each item is available for $2.00 on  Simply click on the image to be taken right to the point of purchase.  If you would like to purchase the entire collection, I'm offering a 25% discount!  So why not indulge just a little?  Click here to get the complete collection!

Still thinking it over, well, I've also included a free mini kit sampling so you can see just what to expect.  I hope you will consider making a purchase and do come back and share your creations with me!  Happy SPRING scrapping everyone!!

My First Mother's Day!

I've been having issues with blogger so this post has been delayed, but I still wanted to share what a wonderful time I had last weekend celebrating my very first mother's day with my husband and sweet, little boy.  We haven't had much sun around these parts lately so it was so wonderful to wake up to the sun shining through.  My husband made some wondeful strawberry muffins for breakfast and we all were able to relax before heading to church.  Did I mention yet just how wonderful it was? :)

After church, I decided that lunch would best be served in the form of ice cream.  Yup, it was my day.  After a beautiful walk, some wonderful gifts - especially the gift of family time - and a great dinner my day was coming to an end.  It was so great to be included on such a special day.  I'm so fortunate to stay home and care for our son day in and day out.  He truly is a joy to our world!

Although not pictures from the actual day - those are still on the camera - I was inspired to make this page with a new kit I created, actually a series of kits, that I will be sharing with you all so very soon.  Enjoy and hope everyone else had a great day too!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ah, that's better!

Well, it's about time.  I've finally, finally been able to spend some quality time updating the look of my blog.  And, oh boy, it is just so much more like me!  Sure, I still have a few tweeks to make here and there but hopefully everyone will find that it's a bit easier to read at this point.  I'm sure things will continue to develop so stay tuned.  Now, back to designing so I can have some fun things to post!