
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A new computer!!

I'm so excited!  It's finally here!!  My new computer.  Not that I had to wait that long for it but I was so excited that I just wanted it the very minute it was ordered.  And as if the it was understood that I couldn't wait until the schedule delivery date, it showed up a full two days early!  How great is that!?  I wish everything we wanted would come to us like that, but alas, what would the world be without patience.

Ever since I got my very first computer upon heading to college, I've had a Dell.  This time I decided to try a different brand, HP.  I had used them at work and they seemed to be changing in the direction I wanted.  Now that I am spending so much more time on the computer in big programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, I wanted to make sure I had a great processor and graphics card - and I found it.  The last computer we had wasn't really that old but, as we all know, technology changes fast. 

The only thing that stinks about getting a new computer - getting all your old stuff onto it!  I had a lot of my graphics on an external drive already but I hadn't been thinking about all the cool items I'd uploaded or created in Photoshop - like patterns and actions and styles that I would have to move over or just recreate.  However, instead of feeling bogged down, I've come to realize that it is a great opportunity to organize all this stuff!

So new digital scrapbookers, listen up...organization is key.  When I started, I was in a frenzy of collecting items and while I surely tried to organize them, as my skills and needs grew, so changed how I would have organized it.  So I say, take a step back, like you would in your paper craft room, and think 'where am I going to put all this stuff?'  I wish I had done that more but who could have known!

Well, back to organizing and exploring this new machine!

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