
Friday, May 13, 2011

My First Mother's Day!

I've been having issues with blogger so this post has been delayed, but I still wanted to share what a wonderful time I had last weekend celebrating my very first mother's day with my husband and sweet, little boy.  We haven't had much sun around these parts lately so it was so wonderful to wake up to the sun shining through.  My husband made some wondeful strawberry muffins for breakfast and we all were able to relax before heading to church.  Did I mention yet just how wonderful it was? :)

After church, I decided that lunch would best be served in the form of ice cream.  Yup, it was my day.  After a beautiful walk, some wonderful gifts - especially the gift of family time - and a great dinner my day was coming to an end.  It was so great to be included on such a special day.  I'm so fortunate to stay home and care for our son day in and day out.  He truly is a joy to our world!

Although not pictures from the actual day - those are still on the camera - I was inspired to make this page with a new kit I created, actually a series of kits, that I will be sharing with you all so very soon.  Enjoy and hope everyone else had a great day too!

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