
Friday, December 17, 2010

Give Thanks

Ever since my husband and I began hosting Thanksgiving,  I have just been in love with this holiday.  I enjoy the relaxing day with family while the turkey cooks.  The house gets warm, we have lots of fun, and then we top it off with a very filling meal.  It's always a great time to just hang out inside and stay toasty.

And I love how all those feelings come back to me when I set out to scrapbook the day!  When I paper scrapbook, I always plan out two page spreads together.  I lay them physically next to eachother and make sure the design on both pages is complimentary.  However, when I went digital, I left this concept behind.  Sure I still think about doing coordinating pages but I don't often ensure cohesive design between the two.  It can be difficult to navigate such a large layout in Photoshop but I think the result can really be worth it with the right design.  So, I sorted through my pictures from Thanksgiving and decided to try the two-page again.  I'm happy I did, as I think it's a nice page the compliments some of the better photos from the day.

Gobble, gobble!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh Joy of all Joys!!

Today is a great day!  For on this day I have recieved and loaded Adobe Creative Suite 5 onto my computer, or CS5!  I will now retire from Photoshop Elements 7.0 and move onto the real deal.  It's a pretty exciting day.  And that's not all!  I now have a slew of awesome Adobe products, like Illustrator.  I took a course in Illustrator a few weeks ago and it was hard but I want to keep learning.

Today I opened up Photoshop, and, well, it is a bit different but I'm sure after a bit more time I will get the hang of it and be on my way to enjoying all the cool new features I now have.  I know, how nerdy, but I'm pretty happy. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A few weeks back I wanted to try my hand (er, mouse) at putting together a small digital kit of my own.  After a few finishing touches, here it is!  I call it Love To Love and there are 10 papers and 18 embellishments included in it.  I thought it came out alright for a first attempt and I hope that others can enjoy it too.  Here is a preview of the kit:
To download the kit, please click here to visit 4shared.  Please let me know your comments!  And if you use this kit to make a scrapbook page, I'd love to see it!