
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh Joy of all Joys!!

Today is a great day!  For on this day I have recieved and loaded Adobe Creative Suite 5 onto my computer, or CS5!  I will now retire from Photoshop Elements 7.0 and move onto the real deal.  It's a pretty exciting day.  And that's not all!  I now have a slew of awesome Adobe products, like Illustrator.  I took a course in Illustrator a few weeks ago and it was hard but I want to keep learning.

Today I opened up Photoshop, and, well, it is a bit different but I'm sure after a bit more time I will get the hang of it and be on my way to enjoying all the cool new features I now have.  I know, how nerdy, but I'm pretty happy. :)

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