
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Meal Planning

I struggle with planning meals for our family. 

It's not always a bad thing but I know that doing so might just make things go a bit smoother and give me less of a headache trying to decide what to have for dinner each day!  It will also help me to pull things out of the freezer on time.  That's not to say I'm not a good cook.  Over the last few years I've learned to whip up lots of great creations from the food we have in the fridge which means I'm buying fresh food at the best price and enjoying it!  I rarely follow recipes.

So why the change?  Well, having two little ones means the day doesn't always go as planned.  I can't step into the kitchen and get dinner going when I'm needed elsewhere.  Additionally, my husband is entering his busy season at work which means daddy won't be home early ever to help out during that time.  It will just be one less thing to.  So because of all that, I've created a simple meal planner to have handy. 
And I'm posting it here in case you are interested in using it too.  The download has two PDF file, one of which is editable so if you want to, you can keep it on your computer and type directly into the form.  And if you have any meal suggestions, just let me know. ;)