
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy St. Nick's!

Growing up, both myself and my husband celebrated the coming of St. Nicholas on the eve of December 5th, so naturally the tradition has continued in our household.  On the morning of the 6th, we wake to discover what little treats he's left behind for us.  This will be our first year celebrating with AJ and we are excited to introduce the tradition to him.  He opened a small, plush gingerbread man...hey, he's not quite one so he was pretty excited.  Our lovely labrador got a great rope toy, which he never gets since he's so destructive with his toys, so all and all, a great day here.
I wanted to do something special for my husband so I made for him (and my parents) these adorable little snow globes that I picked up at Michael's.  It really was a very simple craft to do and will make a great item to adore his desk at work during the holiday season.
To complete this project, you just need to do a few simple things:
1. Open Photoshop (or whatever program you use) and create a new file that is 4 in. by 6 in.  This is because you will be printing it out on photo paper.
2. I used my guides to create a rectangle for the dimensions which were listed right on the snowglobe.  It measured 2.1 inches across and 2.7 inches on each side.  I doubled the length (to fit both sides on one print)  and included a guide to denote the middle where I would cut my design.
3. Then I selected my rounded rectangle tool using a radius of about 400px.  You can experiment here to see what you like.  I used my guides to draw out the rectangle.
4. Just in case things weren't too exact, I added a stroke of about 16 px to the outside of the rectangle in a color that would match the papers I choose to use.
5. Then using the square marquee tool I selected one side of the design from the middle to the bottom, Ctrl-J to post in on a new layer. I did this so it would be easier to work with the front and back sides but you could just follow the guide you put in the middle.
6. Next select some digital papers and elements to complete your design.  I did the top portion as my front, then rotated my image to work on the back so I didn't have to work upside down.  I used Echo Park's "Sleigh Ride", a frame from Carina Gardner's "Essentials", and backer's twine by LivE Designs.
7. Print, Cut, and slide into the snowglobe! 

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