
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Anatomy of a Page - December Daily Edition

I'm pleased that I've been able to keep up so well with my December Daily this year; however, I also know that it's the later part of December that actually becomes the real challenge for me so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!  Today I'm posting my page from December 7th where I had some fun paper crafting the card board I shared with you yesterday.  I've been doing more paper crafting again and it is pure joy!  In this page I had a lot of fun playing with shadows and some other looks but what I'd like to point out to you is my use of blending modes and how I created a realistic use for digital tape.  Here is the page:
There are a few places on this page where I used blending modes.  Let me first say, if you've not tried them, please do so!  You will find so many interesting ways to use them once you know how to work with them - or even find something unexpected along the way!  Let's start with the frame.  This frame is from the Essentials Collection by Carina Gardner.  Both the front and back frame looked like the back when I started.  I copied it to a new layer and erased the back frame so that in the end, they would both be a bit different.  Once done, I pulled out a paper that was red and cream chevon.  It looked pretty cool just like that but I thought I could make it look a bit more natural than it did with just the clip mask of the paper on the frame.  So, I started playing with the blending modes and really liked what I found in the darken section.  These modes will allow the darkest color to come through.  I ended up using "darker color" which rid the paper of it's cream.  I like the look of it!
The second place where I used blending was on the circles on the left side of the page.  I wanted to stitch these on and then because I love playing with shadows to make things look more dimensional, I tried to make them look like they were coming off the page a bit.  It looked good but I still wanted it to look a bit more realistic.  So I found a paper in stock that was crumpled and creased.  I clipped that to the circle layer and found just the right crease and to lay in the right spot by moving and rotating the paper.  Once set, I used the "overlay" mode.  The end result is that you see the crease but the original design shows through.
And lastly I wanted to talk about digital tape.  I used the tape in my design to affix the note card to the page.  After I made the swirl look a bit like chipboard using the bevel and emboss function, I wanted to do the same thing to my note card.  Then, my tape looked kinda silly.  First I reduced the opacity of the tape layer because that's how I think tape should look.  I then marquee selected the note card layer using Ctrl+right click on the layer, with my tape layer selected I then jumped that overlapping portion to a new layer using Ctrl+J.  Right away it looked better since the tape was less transparent in that area.  I then added a small drop shadow for extra dimension so the tape appeared to fold down the chipboard and onto the background.
I enjoy challenging myself to make my digital pages look as realistic as possible and hope you've found a few tips to experiment with.

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