
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The pup turns two

Last week our beloved Labrador turned two years old.  Not really a significant marker in the life of a perpetual puppy but I did reflect a bit on just how he really has changed over the last two years.  Of course, he's gotten much bigger, but he's still just as cute as when he was a puppy.  He does actually nap and sleep through the night now which is a wonderful progress.  We've been allowing him free range of the house at night but he just sleeps on his dog bed in our room - a dog bed that he has not ripped to shreds! 
Truthfully, he's a great dog.  He's completely stubborn and has selective hearing, but overall he simply wants to love and be loved.  He is excited to see people (generally too excited!) and is super great with the kiddos.  Our little guy adores him. 
In honor of Finn's birthday here are some pages I've created over some recent ones on my to do list!
Papers and Elements from DHD Fall 2010 Blog Hop

Papers and Elements from You & Me by Jessica Sprague, font: Bleeding Cowboys

 Papers and Elements from Sobre La Playa by Fanette Design

Papers and Elements from "Life is Good" by Echo Park

Papers and Elements from Sun Porch by Amy Teets

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