
Friday, September 30, 2011

Planning your pages

In today's digital world it can be overwhelming to open your files, even well organized files, and sort through all those pictures you have!  As time passes, it becomes even more difficult and perhaps the memories and feelings of that day have since passed.  While there are many ways in which you can plan out the pages of your scrapbook, I'm going to discuss something new that I recently stumbled upon and it's working well for me.
What is it?  It's Microsoft's OneNote notebooks. You can learn more about it here and even see a demo.  Now, I'm not trying to sell this program at all.  I happen to have it on my computer since I got the Microsoft 2010 upgrade student package last semester when I took a college course.  There is no better deal on software than for students!
OneNote allows you to establish multiple notebooks.  In my world this will equate to my separate scrapbooks (i.e.: 2011, AJ's First Year, etc.).  Once you have a notebook set up you can create a tab for each event.  I'll use the example of AJ's First Year to explain this.  I have a tab for each month since I want the album to go chronologically through time.  Within each tab you can create a page so here this will be the actual pages I plan to scrap.  Here's a look at it.
You can see my tabs along the top and my pages on the right side.  On each page you can do whatever you want!  I drag and drop some or all of the pictures I plan to use.  I type in my journaling and make notes about page ideas I have.  Sky's the limit!  Some other thoughts are to put a preview of the kit you plan to use for that page or a template.  You could post a picture of some source of inspiration. 
Now when I upload my pictures from the camera I open up my notebooks and start planning out my pages and documenting what the events were about.  Even if they don't all get scrapped, at least you will not longer have to worry about losing those precious memories.  Maybe this is something else you can add to your organizational toolkit.  I'd love to hear any other ideas and things that have worked for you!

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