
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

Yesterday our little man decided that he would roll from his back to his belly...and keep on rolling.  It's very adorable to watch him grab his toes to pull his legs over one way and then flip, and finish by digging his little mitt out from under his tummy.  He's really doing quite well.  And reaching and scooching towards objects in his veiw.  The only down side - he's also doing this in his crib! 

Since all you hear as a new parent is "back to sleep" it made me a little anxious to see him laying there on his tummy snoozing away.  But I know it's ok since he put himself there.  However, he gets to rolling around and all you hear on the monitor is him hitting the crib bars.  It sounds way worse than it is but alas, it got me running up there more than a few times last night.  Oh well...another new thing to adjust to.  I was able to capture some vidoe of it, so that made me happy.

As for scrapbooking and digital design, I've been learning a lot more about Illustrator and pattern making.  It's been fun and challenging, and has my mind spinning.  Hopefully in the near future I'll have some time to get to some designing as I have a few ideas laid out already.

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