
Monday, June 27, 2011

Jump, Jump, Jump!

I shouldn't complain.  My arms are getting more buff, but they are seriously tired at the end of the day!  Tired from housework and tired from not only carrying but continuously supporting our near 20 pound baby who likes to "stand."  Alas, we have some new tricks. 

For starters, AJ can now pull himself up well and is pretty good about using the edge of the sofa or ottaman, not great - I mean he is just 6 months old! - but enough to help take the load off of these tired, tired arms.  But we also have a new toy that is helping him stay so very active.  Enter Jumperoo!

Oh, he just loves it!  And he's so adorable as he bounds in there and sways, as the lights go and the music plays (on the quiet setting, of course).  It was a great investment, which we got a super deal on, but so worth saving our strength for a few other things these days.

I've documented this fun journey using papers and elements from a kit I'm currently working on.  I hope to have it done sometime soon, but I also know the holiday weekend is coming up and I'm sure to be outside more than at my computer. :)  However, I hope you enjoy how it looks and will check back for the release of the full kit in the near future!

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