
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feels like summer...

Well, maybe not.  But it is a VERY nice fall day here today!  I was looking back through some of the pages I've already completed for my 2010 scrapbook.  I like to re-visit them and see if I have new ideas to add when I came across this page.  It's from the summer so it's a great day to post it!

We had a fun time at the minature golf course this year and I had a fun time putting this page together too.  For the background, I used a picture I had taken that day of the course and just put a brush effect over it so it was more subdued.  I then extraced from other pictures so I'd have two players on the course.  I loved the way it turned out.  Add in some journaling, a nice close up of the bunch, and ta-da!  Page done.  I like how it combines a nice portrait with some action shots.  By extracting the subjects, I didn't have to mess around with any distractions in the backgrounds of the actual pictures.  Therefore, the whole thing is more coheasive.  In general, I really love using Photoshop to remove distracting backgrounds.  It makes my pages come together a lot better so I can CREATE the focal point rather than having the eye get caught on some off color distraction in a photo.

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