
Monday, November 15, 2010

Digital Templates

As I've been searching through the web I have noticed that there are a lot of digital templates out there!  Then I got to thinking, I really could make my own so that I'd have better inspiration for making pages.  Thinking about making a template and then filling it in with papers and embellishments has actually helped me to scrap faster and be more creative.  I'm really enjoying it too!

It got me thinking about a template I had for paper scrapping many years back.  You basically cut up one inch squares and then pasted it all back down.  It was a long process, as you can imagine.  However, I did make some great pages - my favorite being one where I used pictures of the 4th of July fireworks to make one really big display from all the picture parts.  Anyhow, this all got me to thinking that I could do this digitally so I took an hour or two and made a mosaic template of my own.  Then I found some fall pics and made the following page for a color swatch challenge.  The elements are from K Teague's November kit.  Enjoy!

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