
Friday, October 29, 2010

Committment: Scrapping in the moment

Generally, my scrapbooks tend to be of specific events - birthdays, vacations, or holidays - but one of the changes I want to make is to spend more time documenting the every day things that happen.  I want to document who we are and what is going on in our lives around these moments in time.  To do this, I must follow through with two things.  First, I must be committed to doing this and staying on top of it so I don't lose any important details that I may want to remember.  Second, I have to bring my camera!  The second is by and large the biggest reason I don't have pages devoted to the normal things in life. 

One creative idea I wish to embark upon in 2011 is to do pages that make me stop during the year and focus on the "right now".  Hopefully I will remeber to do this, but as of right now the plan is to devote a page to each family member in the beginning, middle, and end of the year to focus on what our thoughts are at that time.  I have yet to come up with a template of questions as this idea is still sprouting but I'm getting excited about it.  On that note, I thought it was high time that I put at least some of this idea into practice!  So, since our pup just turned one year, I thought I would take the time to devote a page to him and what he is like RIGHT NOW.  :)
Page elements are from Jessica Sprague kit "You & Me".

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